The Deltrula (IW#95) November 25, 2017 Collaboration Family Piano pretty weird + Reuse Collaboration Family Piano pretty weird Reuse
Sister Shelf Tenors (IW#'s 93 & 94) November 21, 2017 Family Guitar Reuse +0 six string Family Guitar Reuse six string
Piano Workshops (2 of 2): Haystack November 08, 2017 Haystack Teaching +0 Workshops Haystack Teaching Workshops
Oak Parlor Guitar (IW#92) September 10, 2017 Guitar Parlor size +0 six string Guitar Parlor size six string
Piano Workshops (1 of 2): Arrowmont July 13, 2017 Arrowmont Collaboration Friends fun Piano pretty weird + Workshops Arrowmont Collaboration Friends fun Piano pretty weird Workshops
Palying Piano (again, but differently) July 12, 2017 installation Piano +0 pretty weird installation Piano pretty weird
(rust) Echoes July 07, 2017 914Works Collaboration fretless +2 Friends fun installation Piano pretty weird Rust O Phone 914Works Collaboration fretless Friends fun installation Piano pretty weird Rust O Phone
Wrest-Plank Tenor (IW#90) February 06, 2017 DGBE Tuning Four String Piano pretty weird + Workshops DGBE Tuning Four String Piano pretty weird Workshops