You'll notice that I am missing a couple of serial numbers. Instrument 102 had a catastrophic delivery, meaning that I need to remake it. Pretty devastating. Then 103 was a quick build here in the shop and then went along with a friend, so I did not get a chance to document it. It was a nice little Bluesmaster style of instrument.
This is a nice little baritone made for an old friend. She now has a young daughter and apparently the daughter digs it as well, which is fantastic. She's connected to the Reeves Theater, which is a hell of a place to hear music if you are in Western North Carolina. I can't recommend it highly enough. If you are near Elkin, go check it out.
At any rate, this is a short post, as I also did not do a good job of documenting this one either. I will say that the tail graft and the headstock inlays are piano ivory, which is a practice that i intend to continue. I think it looks 50's retro in a cool way.
No video for this one. I have video for the next one, though.
Nice! The ivory's interesting.