El Gato Dos (IW#072)

A while back I made a bluesmaster style banjo for one of the best musicians I know.  It accidentally wandered away form him, so I made him another one.  We used to call him "the Lovercat," so his banjo was "El Gato."  This new one, of course, is "El Gato Dos."  I used the same art work on it, which is a black cat that was a symbol of the IWW that I really like, and the bottle caps have jugs on them because he and I used to play in the Brooklyn Jugs together.  That was a real hoot.

Anyway, the neck is almost the last of the church pew oak that I had and the pie tin on the back is embossed "New England Pie Company,"  which is pretty good-looking.  It has a slightly mellower sound than the other bluesmasters, in part because the big can that is the head is heavier than what I have used before.  Still sounds pretty good, though.
